What’s Membership?

What does being a member of NCRC entail? Prospective committee members have that question, and quite possibly, so do some existing members of this Committee.
The Party Plan of The Republican Party of Virginia, and the Northumberland County Republican Committee Bylaws specify the qualifications and requirements.

Simply stated, being a member means making a commitment to the Conservative Republican values and principles shown on our Home Page. Summarizing our bylaws regarding Membership, they state that Members are:

Article II; Section 1: Qualifications of Members
  • All legally recognized citizens eligible to vote within Northumberland County,
  • Must reside within Northumberland County, Virginia,
  • Be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party,
  • Express their intent to support all of the Republican Party nominees for public office in elections within this county,
  • May participate (voting privileges) as members of the Republican Party of Northumberland County in its mass meetings, party canvasses, conventions, or primaries in their respective election districts.
  • Members NOT ATTENDING Three (3) consecutive meetings are removed from active membership and must re-commit to the Republican Committee (signed application) to be reinstated.
How to become a member?
  1. Prospective Members in NCRC must complete a Membership Application attesting to the above points and submit it to The Committee.
  2. Prospective Members should attend the next available NCRC meeting, submitting the application and introducing yourself to those attending.
  3. Your application will be reviewed, and presented to the current membership at the next monthly meeting at which your membership will be voted upon. Attendance is mandatory at these two occasions.
  4. There is no membership fee or other financial requirement.
  5. Complete, sign, and submit a Membership Application, DOWNLOAD HERE

The Members of NCRC are dedicated and crucial to the success of the Committee’s and Republican Party efforts in the county. A great deal of volunteer effort is required year long to prepare and conduct our election efforts and community outreach initiatives.
The leadership of NCRC highly values, and humbly appreciates, the individual contributions made by each member.

Thank You !


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